Personal Assistants
The very best expertise, exceptional quality and client focus
We understand how difficult it can be to adjust to a new person coming into the privacy of your home after you have lived self-sufficiently for so long.
We therefore take enormous care to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your appointed Personal Assistant, involving you in the selection process and seeking frequent feedback to ensure they are the perfect fit.
All of our Personal Assistants have Enhanced Security Clearance, undergo a bespoke Psychometric Mindset Evaluation, hold Health & Social Care qualifications and receive our own Specialist Dementia training.
In addition, the whole No Place Like Home team participate regularly in our High Performing Team development to ensure that we maintain our company's core values of exceptional quality and client focus. Our training records are open for client inspection.

Meet our Registered Manager, Kim Woodhouse
Our Registered Manager is accountable for working with you to select your Personal Assistant and to bespoke your Personal Programme.
Companionship and Care Personal Programme
The primary purpose of No Place Like Home is to tailor our Personal Assistant companionship and activities to enhance your enjoyment of later life. You design your own Personal Programme according to your individual wishes and interests.
Where personal care is required as part of our service, No Place Like Home is registered with Care Quality Commission. We welcome regular inspection to ensure that all aspects of our service comply with the Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) 2014 Part 3 Fundamental Standards, and Care Quality Commission's (Registration) Regulations 2009.

Inspectors seek evidence from different sources that directly relate to five key questions – is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?
We actively seek feedback from all our clients on their experience of No Place Like Home to improve our companionship and care service.